
Vol:07 Issue:02 (July - December, 2020)


Prison; Conception, Status and Norms in Islamic Jurisprudence


The Transformation of Extralegal Principles into Legal Principles by the International Court of Justice in The Hague: Illustrated by a Peaceful Delimitation of «the Promised Land»


Exploring the Relationship between Perceived Efficaciousness and Perceived Religious cum Social Support during Adolescence


The Royal Necropolis of Derawar: A Prism of Islamic Architecture


A Sharī᾽a Analysis of Literary Rights in the Intellectual Property Act 2012


Research Analysis of the Methodology Adopted by the Council of Islamic Ideology in Formulating Suggestions for Riba Free Banking in Pakistan


Analytical Study of the Excessive Exaggeration in the Sermons and Discourses of Seerah-Al-Tayyibah


Thoughts of Greek Philosophers in the Light of Islamic Sharīa


An Overview of the Distinctive Characteristics of Qur᾽ānic Text


Research Review of The Discussions on the Issue of End of Prophethood in the Light of Tafsīr Ma'arif-ul-Qur᾽ān and Tafsīr Zia-ul-Qur᾽ān


Biological Interpretation of Moral Argumentation for the Existence of God: A Critical Analysis of Richard Dawkin’s Arguments


The Concept of Beautification: A Comparative Study of the Teachings of Islam and Judaism


Al-Tahir Bin ʽAshour Through His Book Maqāsid al-Sharia


The Arab republic of Egypt and its role in spreading the Arabic language in Afghanistan


Theory of Hulul (Solution) from Mystical Theories: Its Acquaintance, Development and Etiquette


Contents (English)


Contents (Urdu)

Vol:07 Issue:01 (January-June 2020)


Istisnaʽ as a Product of Islamic Financial Institutions: Evolution, Application, Documentation and Analysis of Shariʽa Issues


Introduction to Deposit Sale, its Various Features and Rulings in Islamic Perspective


The Concept of Punishment for the Prevention of Sexual Crimes in Society: in the Perspective of Divine Religions


The Legal Status of Fine and its Contemporary Importance in Perspective of Opinion of Four Imams (Jurists)


Nobel Prized Research, Autophagy Mechanism and Fast: An Academic Study


Research Review of Selected Narrations of the Book 'Al-Sayeda Zainab' Written by Ayesha Abdur Rehman Binte Shat’e


Of Cheating in Property: A Comparative Review of Pakistan Penal Code’s Sections with Islamic Jurisprudence


Ittibā'e Hawā ) Following Lower Self) and Just Path in Flexible School of Thought


Islamic Trend in the Poetry of Ghazi Al-Jamal Diwan (Tear of Firefly) as an Example


The Most Important Legal Maxims Governing Citizenship in Islamic Law


The Fulani Hegemony and the Subsequent Establishment of Islamic Government in Gombe Emirate before and after 19th Century of Sokoto Jihad in the Northern Nigeria


The Participation of Women in Politics in Respect of Religion; A Case Study of Charsadda District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan)


Comparison of Islamic Renaissance and Western Renaissance


Ethical and Moral Impact of Islamic and Western Concept of Freedom (An Analytical Study)


The Challenges Facing Islamic Education System in Nigeria


Conceptualizing the Perceived Meaning of Workplace Spirituality and Religion in Higher Education Institution


Potent Islamic Measures to Poverty Alleviation


Contents (English)


Editorial Board

Vol:06 Issue:01 (January-June 2019)


Group Conformity And Individuals’ Behavior Towards Adopting Sectarian Identities

An Analysis of Islamic Economic Model

Components of Valid Interrogation Techniques under Islamic Law

Relationship between Level of Educational Attainment and Employee Performance: Mediating Role of Individual Religious Affiliation

Assessment of Interfaith Harmony between Muslims and Hindus in Socio-Cultural Activities in Swat

Child Labour in the Light of Qur᾽an and Sunnah

وصیت واجبہ سے متعلق مسلمان ممالک کے قوانین، مسلم فیملی لاز آرڈنینس 1961 کی دفعہ 14 اور پاکستان کی اعلی عدالتوں کے فیصلوں کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

سیرت نبویﷺ کے منتخب موضوعات (نبوت، وحی اور معجزات) سے متعلق لزلے ہزلٹن کے آراء کا تحقیقی جائزہ

قانون اسلامی میں  تعزیر کے جواز اور اس کے طرق تنفیذکا تحقیقی جائزہ

میڈیکل ٹیسٹ سے گواہی کی شرعی حیثیت:  ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

 تبرکات نبویﷺ کے انہدام سے متعلق حضرت عمرفاروق ؓ کی طرف منسوب روایت کا تحقیقی جائزہ

صرف میں غیروں کی پیروی کے نقصانات اور عمرفاروق ؓ کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تدارک کے جہات

موقف إلحاق الورق النقدي بالفلوس: دراسة فقهية نقدية

كلمة "الادب" علي مر العصور